A2 Morning

Tuesday, Thursday, Friday


8 weeks Course



ARS 2.0

L'arte del conoscersi

Course-level C1/C2 -

The teaching of Italian language for foreign (DITALS)

300 hours in total

Italian 1.0 (standard): 50 weeks, 6 hours per week, Monday to Thursday, 90 minutes per lesson

Italian 2.0 (intensive): 25 weeks, 12 hours per week, Monday to Thursday, 3 hours per day

Italian 3.0 (academic): 15 weeks, 20 hours per week, Monday to Friday, 4 hours per day


It is a course for Italian teachers who want to reach a language level C1/C2 proficiency and at the same time prepare for the DITALS certification



  • Approaches and methods: from formalism to the integrated approach
  • QCER:  approach action oriented
  • Sequences acquisizionali and error handling: interlingua
  • Standard and neostandard Italian: records and variants
  • The needs of the learners: profiles and microlanguages
  • Glottotecnologie: multi-media and multi-sensory
  • Verification and evaluation: input, in progress, language certifications
  • Operational models for the teaching of Italian as L2: the teaching unit
  • Glottotecniche: production item for UD and verification
  • Phonetics and diction: a theatrical approach
  • Internship
  • Simulation tests DITALS Basic, level I and II