A2 Morning

Tuesday, Thursday, Friday


8 weeks Course



ARS 2.0

L'arte del conoscersi

About Us


Luo Jinwei

Vice Dean

Paolo Bellomo

Dean of Ars 2.0 School

Giulia Tracanna

Italian Teacher

Hello everyone, my name is Jinwei, but you can call me Silvia. I studied at the Academy of Arts of the Qingdao Technological University. I worked in my Academy as Italian language teacher and as Chinese teacher for foreigners.

I have been working as a photographer for many years… do not ask me how many!


I like: Korea, dancing, Italian cuisine, fresh mushrooms and vampires



Hi! I'm Giulia, 

Before specializing in teaching Italian to foreigners at the University for Foreigners of Siena, I graduated in Oriental Languages and Civilizations at the University of Rome "La Sapienza", where I studied Chinese. Afterwards, I continued my studies, became a CELI examiner, obtained the Dils-Pg certification, and I am about to complete a master's degree in Educational Sciences. Why do I love my job? Because it gives me the opportunity to meet people from all over the world!


I like: singing, drawing, watching horror movies, and spending time with friends.

Hi! I am Paolo,

I am teacher trainer of the University for Foreigners of Siena. I graduated from Sapienza University of Rome in Oriental Languages and Cultures, where I studied Chinese and Japanese. Afterwards, I specialized in Italian language teaching. Since 2012 I have been working both in Italy and in China where I am a Visiting Professor at the Academy of Arts of Qingdao Technological University.

I am also a scriptwriter and a director.


I like: cinema, breakdancing, cooking, writing, role-play games and Zelda



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Giulia Palazzi

Italian Teacher

Ilaria Conte

Italian Teacher & Instagram Content creator


Exam manager and translator

Hello! My name is Giulia, and I'm an Italian teacher for foreigners. During my high school years, I studied psychopedagogy and attended theater courses, so I learned to do my job with great sensitivity and empathy, understanding the needs of my students. I studied Chinese at the University of Rome "La Sapienza". My curiosity about the different cultures of the world made me passionate about teaching Italian to foreigners, and so I obtained the Dils-Pg teaching certification.


I like: theater, cinema, acting, Asian TV series. Traveling and savoring the typical dishes from every part of the world.



Hello, my name is Ilaria, and I come from Genoa, a beautiful city by the sea in northern Italy. I graduated in Linguistic Mediation in the University of Milan and did an Erasmus in Russia. Afterward, I moved to France, to Paris, where I studied Languages applied to commerce at Sorbonne University and began teaching French to Italians through videos on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. Finally, I attended a Master's in teaching Italian to foreigners and opened another social profile to help those studying Italian as a foreign language. I teach Italian and French, but I also speak English, Russian, and a bit of Spanish. 


I love: the sea, cheese, traveling, weightlifting, reading, cooking, studying foreign languages, trying the traditional cuisines of other countries, but, above all, TEACHING and using the potential of technology during my lessons!


Hello! I am Donatella,