A2 Morning

Tuesday, Thursday, Friday


8 weeks Course



ARS 2.0

L'arte del conoscersi


DarekBlatta, art, street art, ars2.0, course, drawing, Paolo, Bellomo, painting, rome,DarekBlatta, art, street art, ars2.0, course, drawing, Paolo, Bellomo, painting, rome,DarekBlatta, art, street art, ars2.0, course, drawing, Paolo, Bellomo, painting, rome,

Ars 2.0 and Art

What is art? Is art in the object? Is art in the artist? We can not answer all those questions. Nobody prevents us from approaching this world: painting, sculpture, music, photography and cinema, comics and illustrations, but also what is not properly art such as design and craftsmanship.

Drawing Course

Thanks to the collaboration with one of the most renowned artists of the contemporary Italian scene, Darek Blatta, we have activated drawing courses for future students of the academy and for amateurs. For students with a good technique, there is the possibility of approaching Street Art.

DarekBlatta, arte, street art, ars2.0, corso, disegno,

Basic Drawing course program

Start 2/02/2018


  1. Introduction. purpose of the course: posture, key elements of figures construction, drawing lines exercises.
  2. Drawing instruments.
  3. Chiaroscuro techniques.
  4. Light's theory and shadows' study.
  5. Proportion techniques.
  6. Perspective: solid objects in central and accidental perspective.
  7. Perspective: study of elements in space.
  8. Orthogonal projections.
  9. Drawing a landscape, the drapery and trasparent figures.
  10. Summary, exercise, correction.
  11. Introduction to anatomy.
  12. Drawing the face: front and profile view.
  13. Drawing the face: 3/4 and simple angulation.
  14. The head: perspectical vision in parallelepiped.
  15. Summary, exercise, correction.
  16. Anatomy: bones, muscles, organs, front-profile's proportions.
  17. Drawing the body: front and profile view, exercises.
  18. Drawing the body: Simple position's scheme.
  19. The skeleton.
  20. Drawing the chest: scheme and exercise.
  21. Body's perspective.
  22. Course ending with a students' finished drawing and correction.


DarekBlatta, arte, street art, ars2.0, corso, disegno, Paolo, Bellomo, quadro,
DarekBlatta, arte, street art, ars2.0, corso, disegno, Paolo, Bellomo, quadro,

Registration is open for the course. For info and reservations write us an e-mail.